
.FAQ   Terms

Full Name:  (text box)

Postal Address:   (text box)
 (text box)
City  (text box)
State/Province  (text box)
Country (if not USA) (text box)

E-mail Address (text box)

Daytime telephone number (optional)  (text box)

I have read and agreed to the terms and conditions.  (check box - default unticked)   Please take me to the order page.

After you submit your application, you will be taken to the PayPal shopping cart.   For fastest service, make a secure PayPal payment.  If you prefer not to use PayPal, please print out the this page AND the order page from the PayPal shopping cart and mail it to us with your check (7 day hold), money order, or cash (not recommend).  Please make all payments payable to JetVoice.

New York, NY  10016
