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US Postal Service regulations require a signed and notorized form 1583 be returned to us before we provide postal services.

You can obtain the from directly from the US Postal Service here (will open a new window, requires Adobe Acrobat).


Date - Enter Today's date

Box 1...

In the US, you can get this document notarized for a small fee (normally less than $ 3.00) at many banks and other financial institutions.

Outside of the US, locally commissioned Notary Publics can notarize the form, but they may require a translation (the form is in English) and/or charge a fee in excess of $ 50.00.  If this is the case, you can also have this document notarized at many US Embassies or Consulates, even if you are not a US citizen or resident.  While US Embassy and Consulate do not have a global uniformed procedure for obtaining the services of a Councilor to notarize of document needed in the US, most offer the services through the Consulate, under a section called "Services for Americans" (even if you are even if you are not a US citizen or legal US resident.) or some other similar name.

It is advisable to telephone the Embassy or Consulate you plan to visit (Embassies are located in national capitals, while Consulates tend to be located in cities of commercial importance).  If you live near both a US Embassy and a Consulate, it is more likely that the Consulate will be able to better assist you than an Embassy.  When you call (or visit), explain that you need a document to be notarized for the US Postal Service.   The fee, which does vary and is subject to change, typically is $ 30.00 for the first document, and $ 20.00 for each additional document.  As two complete forms are required, you should expect to pay about $ 50.00 for the service.   In addition to US Dollars, payment is often accepted in local currency and sometime by credit or debt cards.  In addition to two copies of form 1583, and the required fee, you will need to bring at least two forms of identification, including a government issued pictured ID or Passport.

If you have difficulties obtaining notoriety services from a US Embassy or Consulate, please fill out this form.